Gabby Goodwin's Legacy
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Hi, I'm Gabby Goodwin. I am 14 years old, and I'm from Columbia, South Carolina. I am the CEO of Confidence and the inventor of GaBBY Bows. I want my legacy to be, I want people to look at me as an inspiration, to, you know, girls, especially girls who look like me, Black girls, I mean, you hear the word inspire and inspiration a lot. When I talk about our business, because that was really the drive that helped me to nag my mom every day, that was the drive to, you know, help me and my family go through a hard time but being able to come back, you know, on top. So being able to not just know, provide. Quality products for girls' hair. But being able to inspire girls to go for whatever they Dream to do. I mean, especially as a person of color, there are many different stereotypes and many different things that hold us back from, you know, getting to where we want to go. But if they see not just me, but many other girls that looked like them that are Black, that are Hispanic, that are Asian, they're able to see that, you know, they can do it, they can do it too. And they won't let you know the people holding them back, hold them back. So that's really what I want my legacy to be, to be able to show girls that they can do anything that they put their mind to, no matter what their age is or what their race is, they can achieve, anything that they want to achieve.
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